Rolled up dates cookies – the essence of home

October 2019

Ok, I know I have said on many of the cookie recipes that they make me feel like home. And that I am crazy about them. And that they are the best… what can I do? I have a really serious infatuation with this little baked pastries. Like little pieces of pure happiness and joy in every bite.  This recipe is a classic in my kitchen, easy to make, delicious and I always have some dates in my pantry.

Enjoy this Israeli classic people. It is TASTY!

You’ll Need
350 gr / 2 1/2 cups / 12.5 oz. Plain Flour
2 tbsp Powder Sugar
5 gram / 1/2 tbsp Baking Powder
100 gr / 3.5 oz. Soft Unsalted Butter
120 ml / 1/2 cup Canola Oil
120 ml / 1/2 cup Orange Juice
For the Filling:
300 gr / 10 oz. Dates Spread
4 tbsp finely chopped nuts
For Dusting:
Powder Sugar

Here’s How

  1. Mix all dough ingredients together in a food processor until soft and unified. Wrap in a plastic wrap and fridge overnight.
  2. Divide the dough into 3 parts, roll each one into a thin leaf on a flowered surface
  3. Spread each part with the dates spread and sprinkle with nuts
  4. Roll each part into a semi tight cylinder
  5. Place into a baking tray lined up with baking paper
  6. Cut each cylinder into a 2cm thick slices, but inky make the cut half way through, do not separate the pieces.
  7. Bake for about 20 minutes or until lightly golden in a preheated oven to 170C/340F
  8. Cool down, cut all the way thru and dust with powder sugar

*** If you wish you can replace the dates spread with a chocolate spread. Kids LOVE those!